Monday, February 22, 2010

I wanna sing... and play music

Hey what is going on with me these two days. I never wanna sing so much like now. I was just crazy listener of good songs and wonderful bands. But now I like to sing a song. And playing music instruments became one of my dreams. The reason is I watched some videos from I liked it soooooo much. That is why do i want to do so. Also playing guitar, piano or some music instrument is develop your right brain. In Mongolia, students get just empty education. No art or no music education. It effects your life badly. But it is just my thought. Okay, so I am trying to say that our left brain is more powerful than right side. Be honest most of Mongolians', almost 90% o, right brains' development is so poor. That is one reason of singing and playing music.


  1. ааая комментны сануулга эдр Бубугийн зөвлөгөөний дагуу бичлээ шүү хүмүүсээ

  2. yesss. good boy. NOw it is easy to use. hehe.
    Also I wanna sing and play musical instrument, too. especially guitar.. but i haven't leisure time...
    I hope that dream is come true. ^___^ heheh.

  3. so true, Mongolian education is so raw.. all they do is press you and stress you so hard with knowledge you dont even need in the future.. they should spice it up with more art and music like you said! and way to go with you english! Good luck!


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